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典型的なcherry-red spotを認めた18歳女性で,軽度の角膜混濁,錐体路障害,失調性歩行,ミオクローヌス発作などを主徴とし,さらにR病を合併したmucolipidosis症例に生化学的分析を行った結果,白血球,培養皮膚線維芽細胞のβ—galactosidase,α—neuraminidaseの特異的欠損が判明したので文献的考察を加えてここに報告した。
A 18-year-old female with von Recklinghausen disease manifested macular cherry-red spots with α-neuraminidase and β-galactosidase deficiencies. The patient showed characteristic coase face (gargoylism), action myoclonus, cerebellar ataxia, slight cloudiness of the cornea and small iris no-dules. Visceromegaly, hearing loss or mucopoly-saccharidosis was absent.
α-neuraminidase deficiency seemed to be the primary enzyme defect in this patient. Enzyme activities in her mother were normal. The enzyme activities of β-galactosidase were deficient in leucocytes and cultured fibroblast sand were normal in the serum.

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