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Chronic orbital myositisの眼窩炎性偽腫瘍における頻度は,相当高頻度を占めるといわれているが,外眼筋の状態や,さらにその原因に関しては不明の点が多い。本症は,病理組織学的にはリンパ球浸潤,線維症,筋線維変性を特徴としている。
Francoisらによると,orbital myositisは3型に分類されている。
A report is presented of a 37-year-old male with bilateral exophthalmus of 3 years' duration, ptosis, external ophthalmoplegia and recurrent ocular pain.
EMG studies of the paralyzed ocular revealed myogenic patterns with entirely absent neuro-pathic discharges, while histopathological find-ings of biopsied muscle specimen showed the pre-sence of inflammatory changes of the musclefiber and the interstitial tissue. Systemic studies also showed positive findings indicative of in-fectious condition of unidentifiable etiology.Some of the positive findings, as BSR and CRP ones, promptly improved following systemic steroid therapy.

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