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なお,手術に際しては,術前処置としてmannitolの静注などによる十分な減圧と,術中Frielinga's ringの装着による眼球萎縮防止と,術後は縫合を密にして生理的食塩水の注入により確実な前房再生を行なつたところ,透明治癒が多数の例に得られた。
The symposium on keratoplasty convened on Nov. 10, 1967, as a concurrent event with the Annual Congress of Clinical Ophthalmology in Tokyo. Following papers have been presented and discussed upon under the chairmanship of Prof. Kuwabara of Keio University, Tokyo.
1. Penetrating keratoplasty for aphakic eyes, by K. Fukunaga, Tottori University. 2. Clinical appraisal of therapeutic keratoplasty for 37 cases with herpes of the cornea, by S. Sugita etal.,Nagoya. 3. Keratoplasty for acute corneal edema in keratoconus, by H.Sakagami et al., Kyoto Univ.

Copyright © 1968, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.