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要約 目的:乳児内斜視への手術後に追加手術を必要とした症例の報告。対象と方法:過去10年間に乳児内斜視と診断し,手術が行われた102例を対象とした。22例には残余内斜視に対し追加手術として内直筋の後転術が行われた。これら22例での初回手術は,7例が2歳未満,15例が2歳以降に行われた。結果:追加手術が行われた22例で,追加手術が行われなかった80例と同等の良好な眼位と両眼視が得られた。初回手術が行われた年齢は,最終結果と関係しなかった。結論:乳児内斜視への手術後に残存した内斜視に対し,内直筋後転術による追加手術は有効であり,眼位の改善と両眼視が得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report cases of infantile esotropia that needed additional surgery. Case and Method:This study was made on 102 cases of infantile esotropia who received surgery during the past 10 years. Out of the 102 cases, recession of medial rectus muscle was performed in 22 cases to correct residual esotropia. Initial surgery in these 22 cases were performed before the age of 2 years in 7 cases and later in 15 cases. Results:There was no difference in final eye position and binocular function between 22 cases that received additional surgery and the other 80 cases. The age at the initial surgery did not influence the final outcome. Conclusion:Recession of medial rectus muscle was effective as additional surgery for residual esotropia regarding final eye position and binocular function.

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