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要約 目的:血液透析中にVogt-小柳-原田病(原田病)が発症し,全身ステロイド療法を行った症例の報告。症例:69歳女性が10日前からの両眼霧視で受診した。19年前から高血圧があり,13年前から腎不全に対して血液透析を受けていた。所見:矯正視力は右0.4,左0.6で,両眼に漿液性網膜剝離と乳頭発赤と腫脹があった。前部ぶどう膜炎の所見は軽度であった。蛍光眼底造影などの所見から原田病と診断した。血液透析中なので泌尿器科の助言を求め,ステロイドパルス療法を行った。メチルプレドニゾロン1,000mgを3日間投与し,これを3回繰り返したのち,プレドニゾロンの内服を行った。網膜剝離は消失し,視力は右0.8,左1.0に回復した。結論:血液透析中に発症した原田病の症例に対し,ステロイドパルス療法が奏効した。副作用対策は透析患者の特殊性を考慮して慎重に行う必要があった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report systemic corticosteroid therapy for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease(Harada disease)in a case under hemodialysis. Case:A 69-year-old female presented with impaired vision in both eyes since 10 days before. She had had systemic hypertension since 19 years before and been receiving hemodialygis for renal failure since 13 years before. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.4 right and 0.6 left. Both eyes showed serous retinal detachment and disc swelling. The anterior ocular segment showed little signs of inflammation. She was diagnosed with Harada disease. Fluorescein angiography gave compatible findings. After consultation with the department of urology, she started receiving pulsed corticosteroid therapy, consisting of 1000 mg methylprednisolone for 3 consecutive days repeated thrice followed by peroral prednisolone in tapering dosis. Retinal detachment disappeared with visual acuity improving to 0.8 right and 1.0 left. Conclusion:Systemic corticosteroid was safe and effective for Harada disease in a case under hemodialysis.

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