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要約 目的:特発性黄斑円孔患者での患眼と健眼によるHaidinger brushの認知形態の比較。対象と方法:特発性黄斑円孔に対する硝子体手術を受けた20例20眼を対象とした。男性6例,女性14例で,年齢は52~71歳(平均64歳)である。Haidinger brushの認知形態をコージナトールで調べ,視力と光干渉断層計の所見を術前後で比較した。結果:Haidinger brushの認知は,術前後を通じ,不可,ぼける,中心欠損,ずれる,正常の5型があり,経過を通じて一定の段階を踏む傾向があった。手術から6か月以上が経過した症例の視力は良好で,すべて“ずれ”または“正常”になった。Haidinger brushの認知形態と光干渉断層計による所見には相関がなかった。結論:特発性黄斑円孔でのHaidinger brushの認知形態は,黄斑円孔の治癒過程と連動している可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the pattern of perception of Haidinger brushes by patients with unilateral idiopathic macular hole before and after surgery. Cases:This study was made on 20 patients with unilateral idiopathic macular hole. The series comprised 6 males and 14 females. The age ranged from 52 to 71 years,average 64 years. Pattern of perception of Haidinger brushes was examined by a coordinator. Patients were also examined regarding visual acuity and findings by optical coherence tomography(OCT). Results:There were 5 patterns of perception of Haidinger bruches:invisible,blurred,lack of center,eccentric and normal. All the cases gained good visual acuity 6 months after surgery and reported either eccentric or normal. There was no correlation between findings by Haidinger brush and OCT. Conclusion:Pattern of perception of Haidinger brushes could be divided into 5 types in eyes with idiopathic macular hole. There was a fixed step in the recovery of foveal function after surgery.

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