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要約 目的:眼腫瘍患者での視覚に関連した生活の質(QOL)の評価。対象と方法:眼腫瘍患者66例を対象とした。男性35例,女性31例で,年齢は20~89歳(平均58歳)である。26例に悪性腫瘍があり,内訳はリンパ腫16例,脂腺癌5例,基底細胞癌3例などであった。40例に良性腫瘍があり,内訳は母斑8例,囊胞8例,乳頭腫6例などであった。QOLはVFQ-25日本語版で評価した。健康人91例を対照とした。結果:悪性腫瘍群では対照群よりも視覚関連QOLが低く,総合得点と下位尺度における自立と心の健康で有意差があった(p<0.05)。眼窩腫瘍群では結膜または眼瞼腫瘍群よりも近見視力と心の健康が有意に低下し,腫瘍の大きさとQOLとには有意な負の相関があった(p<0.05)。結論:悪性腫瘍患者では視覚関連QOLが低い。眼窩腫瘍では結膜または眼瞼腫瘍よりもQOLが低い。腫瘍が大きいほどQOLが低い。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the vision-related quality of life(QOL)in patients with ocular tumor. Cases and Method:This study was made on 66 patients with ocular tumor,comprising 35 males and 31 females. The age ranged from 20 to 89 years,average 58 years. Malignant tumor was present in 26 cases including lymphoma 16 cases,sebaceous gland carcinoma 5 cases and basal cell carcinoma 3 cases. Benign tumor was present in 40 cases including nevus 8 cases,cyst 8 cases and papilloma 6 cases. QOL was evaluated by VFQ-25. Another group of 91 healthy persons served as control. Results:Vision-related QOL was lower in cases with malignant tumor than in control,with differences in composite score and subscales including dependency and mental health(p<0.05). Cases with orbital tumor showed decrease in near activities and mental health(p<0.05). The tumor size was negatively correlated with QOL(p<0.05). Conclusion:Vision-related QOL is low in cases with malignant tumor. It is lower in patients with orbital tumor than in those with conjunctival or palpebral tumor. Tumor size is negatively correlated with QOL.

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