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要約 目的:重度Zinn小帯脆弱例に対して水晶体囊フック併用超音波水晶体乳化吸引術を行い,検討を行った。対象と方法:水晶体動揺または亜脱臼を認める重度Zinn小帯脆弱例12眼を対象とし,術前所見,術中・術後経過を調べた。結果:術前所見は,偽落屑症候群3眼,レーザー虹彩切開術後4眼,眼外傷後4眼,Marfan症候群2眼であった。水晶体囊フック併用により囊内・囊外摘出術へコンバートせず,全例に超音波水晶体乳化吸引術と眼内レンズ毛様溝縫着術が可能であった。術中合併症はなく,全例に視力改善が得られた。結論:水晶体囊フック併用により重度Zinn小帯脆弱例に対しても,安全に超音波水晶体乳化吸引術が施行可能であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the surgical technique of phacoemulsification and aspiration(PEA)using capsule expander in eyes with severe weak zonule. Cases and Method:This study was made on 12 eyes of severe weak zonule which had phacodonesis or subluxation of lens. We studied preoperative findings,intraoperative complications and course after surgery. Results:Among 12 eyes,3 eyes had pseudoexfolication syndrome,4 eyes had previous laser iridotomy,4 eyes had history of trauma,2 eyes had Marfan syndrome. All eyes received PEA using capsule expander and transscleral sulcus fixation of the intraocular lens(IOL)without conversion to intracapsular cataract extraction(ICCE)or extracapsular cataract extraction(ECCE). There were no intraoperative complications. Best corrected visual acuity improved in all eyes. Conclusion:Capsule expander was helpful in PEA in eyes with severe weak zonule.

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