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要約 目的:中心窩下新生血管を伴う加齢黄斑変性に対する光線力学療法の加療6か月後の成績を報告する。対象と方法:過去26か月の間に光線力学療法を行い,6か月以上の経過を追えた45例49眼を対象とした。男性27眼,女性22眼で,年齢は平均73±10歳であった。1眼には黄斑移動術の既往があった。視力はlogMARで評価した。結果:治療前と比較し,6か月後の時点で,0.2以上の視力改善が23眼(47%),不変が21眼(43%),悪化が5眼(10%)であった。結論:加齢黄斑変性に対する光線力学療法の6か月後の成績は,わが国での他の報告とほぼ同様であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome after 6 months of photodynamic therapy with verteporfin for age-related macular degeneration with subfoveal neovascularization. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 49 eyes of 45 patients who received photodynamic therapy and who could be followed up for 6 months or longer. The series comprised 27 male and 22 female eyes. The age averaged 73±10 years. One eye had a history of macular transposition surgery. Visual acuity was evaluated in terms of logMAR. Results:Visual acuity 6 months after treatment improved by 2 line or more in 23 eyes(47%), remained unchanged in 21 eyes(41%), and deteriorated in 5 eyes(10%). Conclusion:Changes in visual acuity 6 months after photodynamic therapy for age-related macular degeneration were similar to those reported by others in Japan.

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