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要約 目的:美容の目的で重瞼手術を受けた後に眼合併症が発症し,治療を必要とした3症例の報告。症例:3症例はいずれも女性で,それぞれ37,56,64歳であった。眼合併症が生じたのは,重瞼手術からそれぞれ10年,20年,2週後であった。第1例は瞼結膜の瘢痕のために眼痛と球結膜出血が生じ,副腎皮質ステロイドの点眼で軽快した。第2例は瞼板への縫合糸が露出し,経結膜的な縫合糸の摘出で治癒した。第3例は瞼結膜の炎症反応として眼痛が生じ,経皮膚的に縫合糸を除去することで治癒が得られた。結論:美容整形として縫合糸を埋没する重瞼手術を受けた後に生じた合併症で,縫合糸の露出や瞼結膜の炎症が強いときには,積極的に縫合糸を除去すべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:To present treated cases of ocular complications after aesthetic double eyelid surgery. Cases:Three cases are presented, All were females aged 37, 56 and 64 years respectively. Ocular complications appeared 10 years, 20 years and 2 weeks respectively after double eyelid surgery. The first case developed ocular irritation and conjunctival hemorrhage due to palpebral conjunctival scar. She was treated by betamethasone eyedrops. The second case had ocular irritation due to exposure of tarsal suture. She was treated by transconjunctival suture extraction. The third case developed eyesore due to palpebral conjunctivitis and was cured by transcutaneous suture extraction. Conclusion:Suture after double eyelid surgery should be removed when exposure of the suture is obvious or when severe inflammation of tarsal conjunctiva is present.

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