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要約 目的:眼内レンズの縫着術を行った症例の原因と結果の報告。症例:過去29か月間に眼内レンズを縫着した19例19眼を診療録により検索した。内訳は男性14例,女性5例であり,年齢は33~85歳(平均66歳)である。結果:縫着術を必要とした原因は,眼内レンズの脱臼8眼,水晶体亜脱臼2眼,白内障手術中の合併症6眼,計画的無水晶体眼3眼である。網膜剝離などの術後合併症の予防措置として18眼では硝子体切除を併用した。15眼では通糸を眼内から,4眼では眼外から行った。術後の矯正視力は13眼で0.5以上になった。術後の合併症として,瞳孔捕獲が7眼,眼圧上昇が8眼に起こった。結論:眼内レンズの強膜への縫着術は術後経過が不安定であり,特に瞳孔捕獲と眼圧上昇に注意する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the causes and outcome of scleral fixation of intraocular lens. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 19 eyes of 19 patients who received scleral suturing of intraocular lens(IOL)in the past 29 months. The series comprised 14 males and 5 females. Their age ranged from 33 to 85 years, average 66 years. Results:Scleral suturing of IOL was performed due to luxation of IOL in 8 eyes, subluxation of crystalline lens in 2 eyes, complication during cataract surgery in 6 eyes, and planned aphakia in 3 eyes. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed in 18 eyes to prevent retinal detachment. Suturing was peformed from inside in 15 eyes and from outside in 4 eyes. After surgery, 13 eyes had corrected visual acuity of 0.5 or over. Postoperative complications included pupil capture in 7 eyes and raised intraocular pressure in 8 eyes. Conclusion:Scleral suturing of IOL may result in unstable postoperative course. Due attention is necessary to pupil capture and elevated intraocular pressure.

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