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要約 73歳女性に右眼視力障害が突発し,眼底出血として即日近医より紹介され当院を受診した。右眼矯正視力は0.01であった。硝子体出血,網膜前,網膜下出血があり,網膜細動脈瘤破裂が疑われた。1か月後に硝子体出血は吸収され,黄斑部に内境界膜と思われる膜がドーム状に剝離し,ニボーを呈する網膜前出血があった。光干渉断層計(optical coherence tomography:OCT)では,網膜下出血が黄斑部上方で急に隆起し,その部位にドーム状の膜剝離が続き,内部に多数の点状反射があった。白内障と硝子体の同時手術を行った。術中に内境界膜のドーム状剝離を確認し,内境界膜下出血とともに除去した。手術3日後に矯正視力が0.2に回復し,8か月後に0.6pになった。視力低下の原因は,内境界膜剝離内部にある貯留液の混濁と網膜の圧排によると推定した。
Abstract. A 73-year-old woman was referred to us for sudden visual impairment in her right eye. When seen the same day,the visual acuity was 0.01 right. Her right eye showed vitreous,preretinal and subretinal hemorrhage suggesting ruptured retinal arterial macroaneurysm. After vitreous hemorrhage had subsided one month later,funduscopy showed a dome-shaped detachment of internal limiting membrane(ILM)and preretinal hemorrhage forming a niveau in the macular area. Optical coherence tomography(OCT)showed thick subretinal hematoma. A dome-shaped thin membrane ran superior and continuous to the hematoma. She underwent simultaneous cataract and vitreous surgery. Intraoperatively found ILM detachment was removed along with the preretinal hemorrhage. The visual acuity improved to 0.2 on day 3 of surgery and to 0.6 eight months later. Decreased visual acuity prior to surgery appeared to be caused by accumulation of turbid fluid posterior to ILM and by displacement of the retina.
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