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症例は32歳の男性で,現場で作業中に高所からの墜落により不安定な第4腰椎破裂骨折(AO Magerl分類C1.3)を受傷した.術前の麻痺レベルは改良Frankel分類でC2に相当した.第2病日に手術を施行した.後方除圧固定の後に二期的な前方からの脊柱再建を計画したが,結果的に後方アプローチにより一期的な神経除圧と脊柱再建が可能であった.術後には良好な腰椎前弯アライメントが得られ,矯正損失なく,麻痺は改良Frankel分類C2からD1まで改善を認めた.
A 32-year-old-man fell from a height during a field operation and suffered multiple injuries, including an unstable L4 burst fracture (AO/Magerl classification C1.3) and modified Frankel C2 palsy. Surgery was performed the following day. Although a staged operation was planned consisting of nerve decompression via a posterior approach in the first stage and vertebral column reconstruction via an anterior approach in the second stage, we were able to complete both stages via a posterior approach alone. The operation resulted in an improvement in the palsy from C2 to D1 and restoration of the lumbar lordosis with no major complications.

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