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背景:本研究の目的は,頚部痛患者の特異的QOL尺度であるNeck Pain and Disability Scale(NPDS)の日本語版を開発することである.
Background:The aim of this study was to develop a Japanese version of the Neck Pain and Disability Scale (NPDS).
Methods:We developed a preliminary Japanese version by forward-translation of the original English version into Japanese, back-translation into English, and conducting a discussion with the original developer. We then modified the original version by adding an illustration of the neck and a supplementary guide to make it easier to understand.
Results:Finally, we conducted a pilot test and assessed patient acceptance, cross-cultural equivalence, and content validity in 20 patients who complained of neck pain. The missing-data rate was 0-5%, and the average response time was 4.7 minutes.
Conclusions:In conclusion,we developed a Japanese version of the NPDS,and a pilot study yielded satisfactory results.
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