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低侵襲人工股関節置換術(MIS-THA)を施行し,早期退院プログラムや合併症対策を行った151股の入院期間を従属変数とし,評価項目を年齢,BMI,術前JOAスコア,術前Harris Hipスコア,術前・7日目・退院時の外転筋力(N/kg),自宅からの通院時間(分)の8項目を独立変数として重回帰分析を用い,入院期間に関わる条件について検討した.全例自宅退院し,入院期間は12.4日であった.入院期間短縮に寄与する因子は,若年齢と術前外転筋力が大きいことであった.術前の外転筋力トレーニングは入院期間を短縮させるための重要なツールと考えた.
We performed MIS-THA on 151 patients with early patient controlled programs including patient education, early rehabilitation program, prophylaxis for DVT/PE and pain control. The average of length of stay (LOS) was 12.4 days. Multiple regression analyses revealed that younger age was associated with increased LOS and that greater preoperative abductor muscle strength (PAMS) was associated with decreased LOS. Younger age and PAMS were important factors in shortening LOS. Preoperative muscle training, especially abductor muscle training, appears to play a role in shortening LOS.

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