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抄録:症例は51歳,女性で糖尿病性腎症のため人工透析を施行中であった.1999年に転倒し右大腿骨頚部内側骨折を受傷し,他院で人工骨頭置換術を施行された.術後10日後に排膿がありMRSAが検出された.洗浄・デブリドマンにより,いったん感染は鎮静化したが,再燃したため当科に紹介となり,人工骨頭抜去術を施行した.感染徴候は消失したと思われた8週後にTHAを施行したが感染は再発し,最終的にresection arthroplastyを行い,バンコマイシン投与で鎮静化した.人工透析患者における人工関節感染後の再置換術は極めて慎重に選択する必要がある.
We experienced a case of difficulty in treatment of MRSA infection after THA under hemodialysis. The case was 51 year-old woman who had been undergoing hemodialysis for diabetic nephropathy. She had an injury of right femoral neck fracture (Garden stage Ⅳ) in 1999, and had an operation of right bipolar hemiarthroplasty at other hospital. At 10 days after the operation, pus was found from the wound, and MRSA was found from it. The irrigation・debridment was performed, the infection became silent at the time, but relapsed. So we performed an operation of extraction of stem prosthesis. At 8 weeks after the operation, when the infection was seemed to vanish, we performed rigth THA but the infection was relapsed again. Finaly we performed resection arthroplasty and dosed vancomysin, so the infection vasished. We are needed to choose extremely carefully revision of THA after infection under hemodialysis.

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