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抄録:Tumoral calcinosisは,関節近傍に発生する腫瘤状の石灰沈着症とされ,大関節伸側に好発する.基礎疾患の有無によってprimaryとsecondaryに分けられる.治療は外科的な摘出が最も確実な手段と考えられている.不完全な摘出は再発しやすいため,摘出しやすい時期に全摘するのが望ましい.今回,6歳男児の足部に広範に発症したtumoral calcinosisの1例を経験した.石灰沈着を来すような基礎疾患はなかった.術中所見で,腫瘤は皮下および関節包内にもあったが,全摘しえた.
Tumoral calcinosis is defined as tumor-like periarticular deposits of calcium that tend to occur in the extensor aspects of large joints, and it is classified as primary or secondary according to whether it is attributable to an underlying diseases. Surgical removal of the lesion is considered the optimal method of treatment if the lesion is still small and amenable to surgery. A 6-year-old boy with no evidence of any illness that might cause calcium deposition presented with large tumoral calcinosis in the foot. At surgery, the mass was found to be covered by a fibrous capsule and to extend into the subcutaneous tissue as well as the joint capsule, however, total excision was possible.

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