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【対象と方法】高血圧性脳出血患者38例に対し経胸壁ドップラー心臓超音波検査を施行した。心の形態的側面として心肥大の合併率と各心臓弁(大動脈弁,僧帽弁,三尖弁,肺動脈弁)の閉鎖不全の有無を調べた。また心の機能的側面として左室の拡張能をE/A比を用い,左室の収縮能をEjection fractionを用い,正常対照群と比較し統計的に検討した。
We carried out transthoracic Doppler echocar-diography on 38 patients with hypertensive intracere-bral hemorrhage (ICH) to examine cardiac functions. The ratio of myocardial hypertrophy and the preva-lence of valvular regurgitation were investigated. The E/A ratio which reflects left ventricular diastolic func-tion and the ejection fraction (EF) of each patient were also studied to demonstrate cardiac functions in pa-tients with hypertensive ICH.
Myocardial hypertrophy was found in 39.5% of pa-tients with hypertensive ICH.
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