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麦角alkaloid誘導体nicergoline(NIC)の虚血性脳障害に及ぼす影響について,高血圧自然発症ラットの両側頸動脈結紮(BCAO)による虚血モデルを用い,生存率,脳水分含量,局所脳血流量(LCBF)およびブドウ糖代謝(LCGU)の面から検討した。永久BCAO後24時間における生存率は,NIC 8ないし16 mg/kg腹腔内投与により32%,38%(p<0.05)と,非治療(saline群)の12%より高値となった。一方,BCAO3時間後において,NIC 100μg/kg/min静脈内持続投与は間脳・中脳領域の局所脳血流量(LCBF:14C—iodoantipyrine法)の低下を軽減し,また同領域の脳水分含量(乾燥重量法)の増加を軽減した。さらに,BCAO 3時間後再灌流2時間において,NIC投与はLCBFの低下および局所脳ブドウ糖代謝(14C−2—deoxyglucose法)の低下を軽減した。以上から,NICは脳虚血後の神経学的障害(生存率),および一過性脳虚血後の低灌流・低代謝を軽減する作用を有することが分かった。
Effects of ergot alkaloids, nicergoline (NIC), on survival rate, brain water content, local cerebral blood flow (LCBF : 14C-iodoantipyrine) and glu-cose utilization (LCGU : 14C-2-deoxyglucose) were examined after bilateral carotid artery occlusion (BCAO) in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Two series of study were performed ; the permanentBCAO and 3-hr-BCAO study. After permanent BCAO, the survival rate at 24 hrs of 32% (8mg/kg, i.p.) or 38% (16mg/kg) in NIC group was higher than that in non-treated group (12%). At the end of 3-hr-BCAO, the increase in water content (dry-wet) in di-mesencephalon was less in NIC (100μg/ kg/min, i.v.) group than that in non-treated group. The decrease in LCBF in caudate-putamen (CP) , parietal cortex (PC) , thalamus (TH) , hypotha-lamus (HT), and substantia nigra (SN) were less in NIC group than those in non-treated group. At the 2-hr-reperfusion after 3-hr-BCAO, the decrease inLCBF in TH and HT were less in NIC group than those in non-treated group. The LCGU in sensory motor cortex, CP, PC, HT, inferior colliculus and pons-reticular were higher in NIC group than those in non-treated group. From these results, it is con-cluded that nicergoline may have ameliorative effects on survival rate related to the prevention of decreased cerebral blood flow and metabolism fol-lowing brain ischemia.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.