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MRIは1.5Tを用いて,スピンエコー法でT1強調像(TR=450 msec, TE=15 msec)とT2強調像(TR=2500 msec, TE=90 msec)を撮像した。T1強調像では小脳,橋の萎縮がみられた。それに加えて,両側の被殼背外側にT1強調像で高信号が描出された。T2強調像では,被殼に近年報告されている低信号がみられた。SPECTでは小脳,基底核,前頭葉で集積低下がみられた。
Two cases of multiple system atrophy (MSA) showing similar abnormalities by magnetic reso-nance (MR) imaging and SPECT are reported. The clinical diagnoses of the two cases were striatoni-gral degeneration (SND) and sporadic olivopon-tocerebellar atrophy (OPCA) . In addition, one case of sporadic OPCA without parkinsonism was usedfor comparison.
The MR images were obtained using a 1.5-T MR system and included spin-echo transverse sections with Tl-weighted images (TR=450 ms and TE=15 ms) and T2-weighted images (TR=2500 ms and TE=90 ms). The Tl-weighted images demonstrat-ed atrophy of cerebellum and pons, with increased signal intensity in the bilateral putamen. The T2-weighted images demonstrated decreased signalintensity in the putamen, as reported recently. SPECT demonstrated reduced uptake in the cel-leberum, basal ganglia and frontal lobe cortex.
The putaminal changes evident on T1-weighted images may have resulted from deposition of pig-ments such as neuromelanin and lipofuscin, related to parkinsonism. Both T1- and T2-weighted MRI seem to be useful clinical diagnosis of MSA.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.