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抄録 これまでに髄液中NSEと腫瘍悪性度,とくに髄腔内転移との関連性についての詳細な報告はない。脳腫瘍54例の髄液,血清,腫瘍組織(10例),腫瘍のう胞液(7例)中のNSEについてradioim-munoassay法により測定した。髄液中のNSEを検索し得たhigh grade astrocytoma, medulloblastoma,germ cell tumorなどの悪性腫瘍35例中17例(約50%)において10ng/ml以上の高値を示したのに対し,良性腫瘍は全例10ng/ml以下であつた。髄腔内転移を認めた脳腫瘍12例の髄液NSEは28.0±18.9ng/mlと高値で,転移のない群の約3倍であり有意差を認めた(P<0.01)。7例の脳腫瘍のう胞内容液中のNSEは悪性度に関連なく全例高値であり,腫瘍組織中のNSEは腫瘍中心部より辺縁部でより多かった。腫瘍の増悪,治療効果に関連して髄液中のNSEが変動する傾向があり,今後治療評価,予後などの指標としての意義があるものと考える。
Neuron specific enolase (NSE) in the cerebros-pinal fluid (CSF) and serum of 54 cases of braintumors, in the tumor tissues of 10 brain tumors and in the cyst fluids of 7 brain tumors was me-asured by radioimmunoassay with NSE measure-ment kit (Eiken Chemistry co.)
NSE values in the cerebrospinal fluid of 35 ma-lignant brain tumors showed abnormal increase higher than 10 ng/ml in 17 cases (about 50%) of them, whereas all of benign cases were lower than 10 ng/ml. The means and standard deviations of NSE in the cerebrospinal fluid of malignant tu-mors were 20. 63±20. 78 ng/ml in the astrocytoma grade 3 and 4, 19. 73±15. 5 ng/ml in the medul-loblastoma and 12. 4±8. 9 ng/ml in the germ cell tumor. NSE values in the CSF of 12 brain tumors with intrathecal metastasis were 28. 0± 18. 9 ng/ml (mean ± SD) showing about three times as much as those without intrathecal metastasis. There was significant difference between these groups (p< O. 01). All cyst fluids including in 7 cases of brain tumors demonstrated high values of NSE even if they were benign tumor and their NSE values in CSF were normal. NSE values of brain tumor tis-sues had no correlation with malignancy, but were higher in the periphery of the tumors than in the center.
NSE values of CSF in brain tumors might be changed in relation with the improvement or de-terioration on clinical state and CT. It might be suggested that the measurement of NSE in the CSF had significance as a monitor of therapeutic efficacy and prognosis for the brain tumors.

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