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抄録 Stable xenon (Xes)とCTスキャナーを使用した三次元的局所脳血流量測定法は広く臨床応用されており,その際終末呼気Xes濃度(ET-Xes)を連続記録することにより動脈のbuild up range (A値),build up rate constant (K値)を推定する方法が一般的となりつつある。ただし,ET-Xesは常に動脈Xes濃度を反映するとは限らず,それを用いた局所脳血流は低値を示し,特に高齢者では著明である。今回,ET-Xesの連続記録と同時に採血法を用いて前者により求めた動脈のA値,K値(Ae値,Ke値)および後者により求めた真のA値,K値(Aa値,Ka値)との間の各々の相関につき109例の患者を対象に検討した。AeとAa,KeとKaは有意な一次の正相関を認め,Ae,KeはAa,Kaより高値を示し,Ae,Keをもとに求めた脳血流量はAa,Kaをもとに求めたそれに比し低値を示した。それは加齢に伴い著明となった。以上より,求めた一次相関式を利用し,Ae,Keを代入することによりAa,Kaを推定し,それを利用して脳血流を求める方法がより信憑性の高い検査法と考えられた。
Non-invasive methods with monitoring end-tidal stable xenon (ETXes) are described for estimating local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) and local parti-tion coefficient (L2). 30% of Xes in oxygen was inhaled for 240 sec and exhaled for 160 sec during serial CT scannings after denitrogenation with pure oxygen breathing.
During the examination, serial samplings of arterial blood and continuous monitoring of ETXes were performed to determine build up range (A) and build up rate constant (K) of artery. Calcu-lated A and K using the arterial sampling (Aa and Ka, respectively) were compared with the calcu-lated A and K using the continuous monitoring of ETXes (Ae and Ke, respectively) in 109 patients with epilepsy, head trauma, or cerebrovascular diseases. Ae and Ke had significantly positive correlation with Aa and Ka, respectively.
In Group 1 of which age was ranging from 0 to 19 years : Ae= O. 75 Aa + 2. 15 (r= 0. 912, n=21, p <O. 001), Ke= O. 67 Ka + O. 69 (r = 0. 898, n=21, p <O. 001), in Group 2 of which age was ranging from 20 to 39 years : Ae= O. 56 Aa + 3. 24 (r= 0. 832, n=20, p <O. 01), in Group 3 of which age wasranging from 40 to 59 years : Ae= O. 91 Aa + 1. 95 (r = 0. 845, n=39, p < O. 001), Ke= O. 38 Ka +1. 32 (r = 0. 719, n=39, p <O. 001), in Group 4 of which age was over 60 years : Ae= O. 52 Aa + 3. 81 (r = 0. 693, n=29, p < O. 001), Ke= O. 31 Ka + 1. 55 (r = 0. 390, n =29, p <O. 001).
In all the groups, Ae and Ke were higher than Aa and Ka, respectively. Calculated LCBF usingAe and Ke were much lower than that using Aa and Ka. Values of LCBF calculated only by Ae and Ke was thought not to be accurate. So, it is necessary for calulation of LCBF that Ae and Ke are revised by Aa and Ka. In this report, the methods of revision of Ae and Ke are discussed.

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