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抄録 脳組織間質液を連続的に採集できる微小透析法を用いて砂ネズミの脳内S-adenosyl-L—methionine(=SAM)の動態を解明するための基礎的研究を行った。SAMの微量定量は水系の高速液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)を用いた。予め行ったin vitroの実験では透析膜は8μl/分の灌流速度で3.44±0.31%(n=3)の回収率であったが,流速を低下させることにより0.5μl/分では43.8±3.81%(n=3)まで回収率の上昇が得られた。次にin vivoの結果では砂ネズミの脳間質液中の内因性SAMの含有量は3.49±1.52nmol/mlであったが,この値は外因性SAMを腹腔内に投与して経時的に観察したところ30分後に脳組織間質液中のSAM濃度は10倍以上の上昇がみられた。微小透析プローブの挿入部位は灌流固定後,抗アルブミン抗体染色で血液中アルブミンの血管外漏出性を検索して脳損傷の程度を検討した。以上より微小透析法により外因性SAMの血液脳関門から脳組織間質液中への移行分布を観察し,本法が薬剤の脳内取り込みに対するモニターとしと有用であることを報告した。
Ketamine-anesthetized gerbils were implanted with 0.5 mm diameter microdialysis tubing through the cortex, hippocampus and thalamus with a stereotaxic instrument. The cannula was perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid at a flow rate of 2 μl/min. Samples of the perfusate repre-senting the cerebral interstitial fluid were collected and subsequently analyzed for their content of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) with high perfor-mance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
In vitro tests using the dialysis cannula gaveSAM recovery which varied from 3.44± 0.31% (n=3) at a perfusion flow rate of 8 μl/min to 43.8± 3.81% (n=3) at O. 5 pllmin (mean±SEM). The in vivo SAM content of the perfusate was studied and the endogenous SAM level in cerebral interstitial fluid of gerbil was 3.49±1.52 nmol per ml (n=3). Intraperitoneal injection of SAM (250 mg/kg) pro-duced 10-fold increases in the perfusate SAM con-centration. After the experiment the brains were checked by immunopathological study using anti-albumin antibody to examine the degree of damage to the blood-brain barrier permeability.
These results show that intracerebral microdia-lysis offers several potential advantages for studies of extracellular neurochemistry.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.