

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


THERMAL ANALYSIS ON WATER COMPONENTS IN BRAIN TISSUE:QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF FREE AND BOUND WATER FRACTIONS Masahiro Furuse 1 , Takami Gonda 2 , Suguru Inao 1 , Hiroji Kuchiwaki 3 , Nagatoshi Hirai 3 , Naoki Kageyama 3 1Department of Neurosurgery, Nakatsugawa Municipal General Hospital 2Department of Neurosurgery, Ohgaki Municipal General Hospital 3Department of Neurosurgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine pp.761-767
Published Date 1987/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205956
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In the living system, tissue water is considered to be composed of both free and bound water. Bound water encompasses the structural water of the cell wall and of various biological substances of high molecular weight, such as proteins and polypeptides. The present study was designed to measure thermoanalytically free and bound water on a quantitative basis in fresh brain of rats using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).

Our intention was to determine the fraction of freezable water in tissue. Freezable water in a tissue represents the fraction of free water. In the present study, freezing was conducted at a con-stant rate of -10℃/min from room temperature to-75℃ by a SSC/560 S (Seiko Electronics). The system allows for calculation of the amount of free water from the differential scanning calorimetry curve employing a coloric constant of 79.4 cal/mg. Aluminium oxide was used as calorimetric refer-ence. The fraction of bound water was calculated by subtraction of the amount of free water from that of total tissue water. Water binding to solid tissue component was estimated from tissue dry weight and the bound water fraction.

Mean water content of normal gray matter in adult Wistar rats was 76.9±1.4% (SD). 88.9% of total tissue water was free whereas 11.1±2.8% (SD) was bound. Bound water of brain parenchyma amounted to 0.44±0.12 mg/mg dry weight. As compared to other tissues such as cardiac muscle and liver, brain parenchyma obviously exceeded in free water content. The total water content of serum was 94.4±1.2%; 90.7±2.6% was free and 9.3±2.6% (SD) was bound. The amount of bound water in serum was around fourfold, being 1.61± 0.45 (SD) mg/mg dry weight. This seemed to be a proper compositional feature of blood, which exists separately from parenchymal tissue by vessels.

From the observation on postmortem changes in tissue water status, it was of evidence that water binding to brain tissue component markedly in-creased at the period of 48 hours after sacrifice. This probably corresponds to the conformation changes occured in brain parenchyma.

The present trials for quantitative determination of free and bound water components in brain tis-sue can be applied for analysis of tissue water status in combination with various pathophysio-logies. In particular, the technology mentioned pos-sibly plays an important role to clarify the back ground of dynamics of brain edema. Furthermore, those quantitative data on tissue water are con-vinced to contribute to profound understanding of findings in nuclear magnetic resonance imagings and proton relaxation time studies.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


