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REPRODUCIBILITY OF SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED POTENTIALS AND EEG IN NORMAL HUMANS UNDER HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION Shingo Kawamura 1 , Hidenori Ohta 1 , Akifumi Suzuki 1 , Masahito Nemoto 1 , Yoshitaka Hinuma 2 , Eiichi Suzuki 2 , Nobuyuki Yasui 1 1Department of Surgical Neurology Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vossels-AKITA 2Department of Hyperbaric Medicine Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vossels-AKITA pp.243-250
Published Date 1987/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205872
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Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) was reported tohave a favorable influence on ischemic brain dys-function, and also appeared to be useful in im-proving brain edema. Somatosensory evoked poten-tials (SEP) and EEG would be available as indica-tors of brain function. The purpose of this paper is to study reproducibility of the N1-amplitude of SEP and EEG under HBO.

Materials were 10 normal volunteers, from 21 to 31 (mean age: 26) years old. Two stimulating needle electrodes were inserted into the skin at the wrist and somatosensory stimulations were applied to the median nerve with 1 msec dura-tion square pulses. Stimulation pulses were gene-rated regularly every 1 sec., and stimulus intensity was adjusted just above the thumb twitch thre-shold. Monopolar EEGs were recorded from 16 silver-cup electrodes on the scalp, and SEPs were recorded by averaging 250 responses in those EEGs using computer technique. N1-amplitude was determined by the vertical distance between peaks of the P1 and N1 components. EEGs were analyzed by Fast Fourier Transform and the square root of the averaged power of each frequency band (δ, θ, α1, α2, β) was obtained and evaluated as the equivalent potential. EEGs under the influence of sleeping or artifacts, such as electromyograms, eye lid movements and wandering of the base line, were excluded in evaluating the EEGs. SEPs and EEGs recorded consecutively. The first record was taken before HBO under air breathing at 1ATA, the second during HBO under pure oxygen breath-ing at 2ATA, and the third after HBO under air breathing at 1 ATA once again. N1-amplitude contralateral to the stimulation was most reprodu-cible on the parietal regions (P3 or P4) where the N1-amplitude ratio, the N1-amplitude recorded be-fore HBO compared with that recorded during and after HBO, revealed figures between 0.431 and 1.39 during HBO and between 0.166 and 1.87 after HBO (p<0.05). The percent change of the EEG potential in each frequency band was within ±28% during HBO and ±37% after HBO. But, the maximum percent change of α1 and α2 ex-ceeded these ranges, and the percent change of α1 reached 257% after HBO, compared with its po-tential before HBO. Thus, EEG alone may be insufficient for making judgements on the effects of HBO when the EEG is evaluated using methods involving short time point samplings. Therefore, supplementary information should be provided by evaluating the N1-amplitude of SEP.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


