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抄録 2日齢のWistar系ラットに経皮的にカオリンを大槽内に注入して,水頭症を作成し脳室拡大の著しい群(A群)と軽度の群(B群)に分け,組織学的および微小血管構築上の変化を観察した。A群では側脳室,第3脳室,中脳水道,第4脳室が著明に拡大し,B群では特に第4脳室の拡大が著しかった。A群では拡大した脳室周囲の白質に浮腫が見られ,大脳灰白質下の白質には脳実質の脱落(intracerebral cavity for-mation)が認められた。脳室下の白質の組織障害の割に脳室壁は比較的破壊されず,脳室上衣細胞とその直下のglia細胞層は保存されていた。菲薄化した脳実質は全層にわたって萎縮を呈していた。また,カオリン顆粒は中脳水道にまで見られ,脳底槽部や大槽部の髄膜の炎症の他に中脳水道の上衣細胞下や第4脳室底の脳実質にはgliosisやカオリンを貪食したmacrophageが認められ,脳室上衣細胞や脳実質もカオリンに対する異物反応を起こしていた。
Experimental hydrocephalus was induced by an intracisternal injection of 4% or 40% kaolin suspension in 2 days old Wistar rats. They were examined histologically and microangiographically 2 weeks after the injection of kaolin.
Hydrocephalic rats were classified into 2 groups, severe hydrocephalic group A and mild hydro-cephalic group B. In group A, a marked enlarge-ment of the entire ventricular system with a thinning of the cerebral mantle was observed. On the other hand, the dilatation of the fourthventricle was more pronounced compared with the other ventricles in group B.
In group A, a spongy appearance of brain tissue was observed in the periventricular white matter accompanied with an intracerebral cavity. In these edematous areas, the lack of carbon black perfu-sion was apparent indicating an occurrence of microcirculatory disturbances. These microcircula-tory disturbances and mechanical compression to the cerebral parenchyma may produce defective brain tissue (intracerebral cavity formation). The ependymal cell walls and subependymal glial cell layers were well preserved in spite of the damaged periventricular white matter.
In group A, kaolin was present in the fourth ventricle and Sylvian aqueduct. Subependymal gliosis containing macrophages and newly produ-ced blood vessels were observed in the region between the periventricular brain tissue and kaolin granules. These findings indicate that kaolin may produce changes in the ependymal cell and cere-bral parenchyma as well as fibrosis and meningitis in the subarachnoid space.
Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.