

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Go Daita 1 , Hirofumi Nakai 1 , Shinya Okazaki 1 , Akira Hashizume 1 , Yukichi Yonemasu 1 , Hideki Furukawa 2 1Departments of Neurosurgery, Asahikawa Medical College 2Departments of Ophthalmology, Asahikawa Medical College pp.873-880
Published Date 1984/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205377

Since the first reports of pituitary oncocytoma by Kovacs and Horvath, and Landolt and Oswald increasing numbers of cases have been reported with the advent of electron microscopy. It has been posturated that more cases were not precisely diagnosed because of lack of electron microscopic study.

We reported two cases of pituitary oncocytoma and discussed clinicopathological aspects.

Case 1 A 66-year-old woman had a 6 year his-tory of visual impairment. Neurological examina-tion revealed loss of vision on the left and decreased visual acuity (0.3) with temporal hemianopsia on the right. The endocrinological study revealed moderate panhypopituitarism. Plain skull X-ray, computed tomography and cerebral angiography showed the findings of a pituitary tumor with suprasellar extension. Subfrontal removal of the tumor followed by irradiation was performed.

Case 2 A 50-year-old man was well until 8 years previously, when he experienced loss of libido. Three years before entry, the left sided exoph-thalmos and ptosis were noted. Neurological exa-mination showed a severe visual impairment witha bitemporal held detect, bilateral optic atrophy and disturbance of eye movements on the left. Endocrinological study revealed panhypopituita-rism. Radiological studies showed a pituitary tumor with a suprasellar extension and an invasion into the left orbital cavity. Transcranial and then transsphenoidal partial removal of the tumor were done followed by irradiation.

Histological examination of the tumors revealed a poorly granurated adenoma with very weak affinity to acid dyes. The tumor invaded into the orbital cavity in case 2 was similar to one in the cranial cavity. Immunohistochemical stains for growth hormone and prolactin were negative inboth cases. Electron microscopy revealed that both tumors were composed predominantly of typical oncocytes with abundant mitochondria of various shape and size. Few secretory granules ranging from 80 nm to 250nm in diameter were demonstrated.

Pituitary oncocytoma may be diagnosed by light microscopy if one recognizes exisistence of this type of tumor but precise diagnosis of the tumor is done by electron microscopy.

On the basis of the existence of secretory gran-ules and a wide variety in number of mitochondria in tumor cells, we posturate the oncocyte may be pituitary origin.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


