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抄録 Ca++拮抗剤であるDiltiazemの脳循環におよぼす影響と孵置血液およびserotoninによる血管収縮に対する寛解作用を猫を用いて実験的に観察し,脳血管攣縮の治療剤としての可能性を検討した。総頸動脈血流量はDiltiazern 30μg/kg,50μg/kg,100μg/kg投与では16%,34%,45%,椎骨動脈血流量は21%,40%,62%と増加し,用量依存性を示す。脳血流量も総頸動脈および椎骨動脈血流量の増加とともに増加するが,その変動パターンはDiltiazem投与による血圧降下初期に一過性に減少するが,血圧の回復に先行して増加し,約20分間持続する。血管径に対しては,正常血管ではDiltiazemは30〜35%の拡張効果を示す。孵置血液およびserotoninによる血管収縮では収縮誘発前あるいは後のDiltiazem 100μg/kg 1回投与では約30%の予防的ならびに治療的防禦効果を示すが,誘発前後の2回投与では血管収縮はほぼ完全に防禦された。Diltiazemは血小板凝集に関するCa++の働きを防し血栓形成を抑制する作用もあり,血管拡張作用,脳循環促進作用などの薬理的特性よりみて,脳血管攣縮ならびにそれに続発する脳梗塞に対して予防的・治療的薬剤としての有効性が期待できる。
Polygraphycal studies were carried out in order to evaluate the effects of Diltiazem (Ca-antagonist) on cerebral circulation in cats.
In addition to these studies, the inhibitory effect of Diltiazem on incubated blood-, and serotonin-induced vasocontraction of basilar arteries was observed through on operating microscope.
Experimental vasospasm were induced by local administration of incubated blood and 10-5~10-6M serotonin solution. The required dose of Diltia-zem, 30-300 itg/kg, was injected by one shot in-travenously.
CBF slightly decreased concomitantly with tra-nsiently decreased blood pressure shortly after in-travenous injection of Diltiazem. After that, CBF increased for 15-20 minutes and returned to the state similar to that before the administration of Diltiazem.
The changes in reactive pattern of CBF depend on the doses of Diltiazem and related to changes of CAR and VAR which were thought to indi-cate the blood of cardiac output.
Vasocontraction induced by incubated blood and serotonin was released 30-35 per cent for 30 minu-tes after intravenous injetion of Diltiazem 100 lig! kg. However, by administration of Diltiazem be-fore and after local application of incubated blood and serotonin on basilar arteries, vasocontraction was inhibited completely.
These data suggest that administration of Dilti-azem (Ca-antagonist) might be useful in the pro-phylaxis and treatment of vasospasm following rupture of cerebral aneurysm.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.