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腫瘍細胞は正常体細胞と免疫原性が異つた特異的な抗原を保有し,担癌宿主はこの抗原を"自己と異なる(not self)"異物と認識して免疫応答をおこなついてることは,今日では広く認められている。そしてこの宿主の腫瘍に対する免疫応答をin vivoやin vitroで検出法として利用することにより,人の腫瘍も含め多くの腫瘍で,腫瘍関連抗原(tumor associated antigen)や腫瘍特異移植抗原(tumor specific transplantation antigen)の存在が実験的に証明されてきた。さらに,いくつかの腫瘍でこれらの特異抗原を分離,精製しようとする試みがなされており,完全な分離精製には成功していないが,分子量や若干の性質が明らかになつている1,2,6,7,13,16,23)。ところで脳腫瘍においても,他の臓器腫瘍と同様,腫瘍特異抗原の存在を示唆するいくつかの報告4,10,11,12,14,18,19,22)があるが,抗原の種類や性状について明らかにした報告はほとんどない。
Cultured murine glioma cell line was established from the transplantable tumor which was induced by the injection of 20-methycholanthrene to the cerebrum of adult C57BL/6 mouse (Kawarai, 1969) and was serially transplanted to syngeneic C57BL/ 6 mice subcutaneously. The cells were begun in monolayer tissue culture using modified Eagel's MEM (a two-fold concentration of vitamins and aminoacids, 0.03 g/l glycin, 0.04 g/l L-serine, 0.1 mg/l Fe (NO3) 39H2O, and a 2.5-fold glucose) sup-plemented with 20% heat inactivated fetal calfserum, and were passaged every 4 to 10 days by the treatment of 0.1% trypsin and 0.01% EDTA. Cultured 203-glioma cells had characteristics of murine glioma such as morphological findings (large cells with multi-polar processes) observed by phasecontrast microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, the presence of intracellular glial filaments (about 80 Å in diameter) showed by electron microscopy, and also the presence of brain specific protein, S-100 protein, in cytoplasmas evidenced by indirect immunofluoresence. Doubling time of cultured 203-glioma cells was about 50 hours (11th passage) and about 24 hours (90th passage), and saturation density was about 2×105 cells/cm2. Mode of chromosome numbers was 60 (6th passage) and 57 (88th passage), and at least five types of marker chromosomes were observed.
As already reported by us, cultured 203-glioma cells possess tumor specific antigen (s) as tumor specific killer T lymphocytes appeared in lymphnodes and spleens of 203-glioma bearing syngeneic C57BL/6 mice evidenced by the methods of micro-cytotoxicity assay and adoptive transfer test (Nakao et al., 1978). Surface tumor associated antigens of 203-glioma cells were partially characterized in this paper.
Surface proteins of 203-glioma cell membranes were radiolabeled with 125I by lactoperoxidase, were solubilized by 0.1% Nonidet P 40, and were in-vestigated by SDS polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis. Surface proteins of 203-glioma cells consisted of eleven components and were different from these of murine erythrocytes, thymocytes and M-1 cells (macropage cell line). Radioiodinated 203-glioma cell lysates were precipitated secifically with antisera obtained from syngeneic C57BL/6 mice that were immunized with mitomycin C treated 203-glioma cells repeatedly, or were inocu-lated 106 viable 203-glioma cells 7 weeks before. Precipitates of cell membrane components by syngeneic antisera were thought to be tumor as-sociated antigens and were fractionated by sephadex G-200 gel chromatography and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The experiments suggested that surface tumor associated antigens of 203-glioma cells consisted of at least five kinds of molecules. The molecular weight of these proteins were estimated to be 170,000, 140,000-145,000, 105,000-118,000, 62,000, and 44,000 daltons respectively.
Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.