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Our previous investigations of the pathophysio-logy of intracranial hypertension have indicated that various secondary pathophysiological changes do not always parallel to the degree of the pressure elevation but are influenced both by degree and duration of the increased intracranial pressure. Also, we have pointed out that the secondary circulatory change due to increased intracranial pressure plays an important role in further elevation of intracranial pressure. The present experimental study was made in an attempt to clarify the circulatory changes under increased intracranial pressure with special regard to time consequence. Also, it was our in-tension to find out which part of the cerebral cir-culatory system is most influenced by the intracranial hypertension.
The experiment was carried out on 22 adult mon-grel cats. While measuring intracranial pressure continuously, an extradurally placed rubber balloon was inflated to elevate intracranial pressure. The pressure was elevated to various levels between 300- 2,000 mmH2O and the same pressure was maintained for various length of time between 30 minutes to 12 hours. Rapid serial photographs of the cortical vessels were taken through a glass window tightly placed over the parietal area following to injection of sodium fluorescein 5mg/kg. B. W. into inferior vena cava. The series of photographs were taken right before and right after the elevation of the intracra-nial pressure, and were repeated every 3 hours thereafter. Before the pressure was elevated the dye appears in cortical arteries of approximately 100-300μ in diameter within 8 seconds after injection of the dye. Within 4 seconds, the dye flows into arterioles and it advances to venule before it disap-pears from the arterioles. The dye disappears from veins of approximately 100-300μ in diameter within 5 seconds following its appearance in the veins. Unless the pressure was elevated to extremely high level (900-2,000mmH2O), the dye appears in the cortical arteries without delay. However, when the pressure reaches to the high level, it delays markedly or sometimes does not appear at all. When the mo-derate degree of pressure (400-700mmH2O) is ma-intained longer than 6 hours, the dye appears in the venule after it completely disappears from the arterioles. Disappearance of the dye from the veins of above mentioned size is delayed whether the pres-sure is markedly elevated or after the moderate pressure is maintained certain period of time. No circulatory change is seen when the pressure is be-low 400 mmH2O. We feel it is important to note that inflow into the cerebral arterial system is not influenced by moderately increased intracranial pres-sure but it mainly dependent to the pressure dif-ference between the intracranial pressure and sys-temic blood pressure. We also like to stress that the circulatory disturbance does not become pro-minent right after the the pressure is elevated but it progressively become prominent as the same pres-sure is maintained, and this circulatory change seems to occur mainly either at capillary level or on the venous side of the cerebral circulation.
Thus, the retardation of intracranial blood flow causes increase in cerebral blood volume and as the result, the intracranial pressure is further elevated.
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