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Fundus Hemorrhage in Patients with Intracranial Hemorrhage Caused by Cerebrovascular Disease : Its Clinical Significance Shoji Takano 1 , Motoyoshi Saito 1 , Yoshio Miyasaka 1 , Kenzo Yada 1 , Takao Kitahara 2 , Takashi Ohwada 2 , Hiroshi Takagi 3 1Department of Neurosurgery Medicine, Kitasato University 2Depart-ment of Emergency Medicine, Kitasato University 3Department of Neurosurgery, Yamato Municipal Hospital Keyword: fundus hemorrhage , cerebrovascular disease , consciousness , mortality rate pp.13-17
Published Date 1992/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406902050
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To clarify the significance of fundus hemorrhage in the acute stage of intracranial hemorrhage due to cerebrovascular disease (HCVD), the incidence of such hemorrhage (retinal, preretinal, and sub-hyaloid hemorrhage) was examined and its correla-tions with the severity of the disturbance of con-sciousness and the prognosis were investigated. Two hundred sixteen HCVD patients with intra-cranial hemorrhage were the subjects of this study, including 87 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 60 cases of hypertensive intracerebral hem-orrhage (HICH), 54 cases of arteriovenous malfor-mation (AVM), and 15 cases of Moyamoya disease. Fundus hemorrhage was recognized in 41 cases of SAH (47%) , 5 cases of HICH (8%), 3 cases of AVM (6%), and 2 cases of Moyamoya disease (13%).

The incidence of fundus hemorrhage was significantly higher in SAH than in the other type of HCVD associated with intracranial hemorrhage. Among patients with severe disturbance of con-sciousness (JCS 100-300), fundus hemorrhage was recognized in 69% with SAH, 13% with HICH, 17% with AVM, and none with Moyamoya disease. Therefore, patients with both fundus hemorrhage and severe disturbance of consciousness in the acute stage are most likely to have SAH, but HICH and AVM should be also taken into consideration. In patients with slight disturbance of consciousness (JCS 0-30), fundus hemorrhage was only noted in SAH (27%) and not in other types of HCVD as-sociated with intracranial hemorrhage. Thus, SAH is highly likely to be the primary HCVD associated with intracranial hemorrhage, if we recognize fun-dus hemorrhage in patients with slight disturbance of consciousness in the acute stage. Regardless of the type of primary HCVD causing intracranialhemorrhage, the mortality of the patients with fun-dus hemorrhage was quite high (90% in SAH, 100% in HICH, 100% in AVM, and 100% in Moyamoya disease).

It can be concluded that the fundus hemorrhage in the acute stage of HCVD causing intracranial he-morrhage reflects a sudden and critical increase ofintracranial pressure. This finding should be taken seriously, for it is strongly associated with severe disturbance of consciousness and a poor prognosis.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


