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adenosine-5’-triphosphate,disodium sait (以下ATP)の脳血流量(CBF)に対する作用に関して,動物種の違い・薬物の投与方法・血流量の測定方法などの差によつて,異なつた結果が報告されており,いまだ一定の見解が得られていない。
CBFに最も大きな影響を与えている生理的因子は動脈血の炭酸ガス分圧(PaCO2)であり,CBFの研究にあたつては,PaCO2を常に考慮に入れなければならない。ある薬物の投与によつてPaCO2が変化した場合には,PaCO2によるCBFへの影響を補正した上でなければ,薬物自体のCBFに対する作用に言及することはできない。一般の治療薬の効果を確かめるためには,動脈内投与よりは,静脈内投与の作用を知る必要がある。クリアランス法によつて得られた血流は,物質交換にあずかる有効血流量を,より正確に表わすものと考えられる。以上の理由から,われわれは,対照時・7%CO2吸入中・ATPの持続的静脈内注入中に,133Xe ciearance methodを用いてCBFを測定したので報告する。
Seven patients had angiography as a part of theirroutine clinical examination. Except for local an-esthesia for intracarotid catheterization, neitherpremedication nor general anesthesia was applied. Inno patient was any persistent neurological deficits orabnormalities of the cerebral vessele evident, otherthan mild arteriosclerosis. Cerebral blood flow(CBF) was measured by an intracarotid 133Xe clear-ance method on five stages at intervals of 15-20minutes. The stages were composed of control(untreated), 7%CO2 inhalation, ATP infusion,control (regained), and ATP infusion. Arterialblood was sampled from the catheter immediatelybefore each 133Xe injection and analyzed for PaCO2.ATP concentration was measured with an "ATPUV-Test" (Boehringer Manheim GmbH) in wholearterial blood obtained before and 3-7min after theconstant intravenous infusion of ATP (0.3-30.0μmo-les/min; mean value 6.5), when CBF was measured.Two patients had some discomfort during ATP in-fusion. One complained of nausea, and the otherhad a sensation of heat in the body. Control CBFwas in the range of 35.9-52.6ml/100g/min, whichwas compatible with our previous report1). DuringATP infusion, ATP concentration of arterial bloodincreased on 5 occasions (with maximum increaseof 470nmoles/ml), remained unchanged on 3 occa-sions and decreased on 3 occasions (maximum de-crease of 70nmoles/ml). Correlation between CBFand PaCO2 of these patients was paralleled thatseen in normal cases1), despite changes in arterialATP concentrations. Intravenous ATP in as highdoses as 30μmoles/min had little effect on thecerebral vessels in awake man with normal CBF.

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