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Continuous long-time recordings of intracranialpressure (ICP) and systemic blood pressure (SBP)were made in patients with postoperative hyper-tensive intracerebral hemorrhages. Tracing of theICP in these patients showed irregular fluctuationscalled "pressure waves" which were superimposedon an elevated level of the ICP. These pressuewaves were synchronous with periodic breathingsor variations of the SBP.
Effects of some drugs (hypertonic solution, steroid,barbiturate, reserpine and chlorpromazine) on theincreased ICP in above mentioned conditions wereexamined.
Hypertonic solutions (mannitol and glycerol)caused a significant drop of the ICP. However,this was transient and followed by a rebound phe-nomenon.
Dexamethasone caused little effect on an increasedICP. So, there is no justification for the use ofdexamethasone in the treatment of brain swelling.
Barbiturates (pentobarbital and thiopental) causedsustained drop of the ICP and the SBP. However,care must be taken to use these drugs because oftheir respiratory depressants.
Administrations of reserpine and chlorpromazineproduced an increase in the ICP, a decrease in theSBP. This indicates that these drugs produce awidespread vasodilatation including the cerebro-vascular system, due to the action of the adren-ergic blocker. Care must be taken to use suchdrugs in the presence of increased ICP.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.