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Continuous long-time recordings of the EEC,intracranial pressure (ICP), pneumogram and sys-temic blood pressure were carried out in 25 patientssuffering from recent subarachnoid hemorrhage dueto ruptured intracranial aneurysms. The period ofrecording was for between 1 to 7 days. Patientswere graded according to the method of Hunt andHess (1968). They were rated Grade II if therewas no impairment of consciousness, headache andnuchal stiffness were slight. Patients were ratedGrade Iifif they were in confusion. Patients wererated Grade IV if they were in stupor or semicoma.Grade V was reserved for those who were in deepcoma.
In 5 patients graded II, the EEG showed almostnormal.
In 11 patients graded III and 5 patients gradedIV, the EEG showed alternations of generalizedslow wave patterns and low voltage fast wavepatterns. Tracing of ICP in these groups showedtransient rises called "pressure waves", and thewaves were recurring increases in ICP to thevalue of 200-600 mmH2O in Grade III and 400-800mmH2O in Grade IV patients superimposed on anelevated level of ICP. The peaks of the pressurewaves in ICP were synchronous with periodicbreathing of Cheyne-Stokes type (B-wave) andvariations of the systemic blood pressure (C-wave).It is notable that in our series of patients withruptured intracranial aneurysm we never observeda true plateau wave described by Lundberg (1960).The onset of each pressure wave in ICP oftencoincided with a transient low voltage fast activityin the EEG and at the peak of each pressurewave in ICP there was a group of slow wavesin the EEG.
In 5 patients graded V, the EEG showed sustainedlow voltage fast activity. Tracing of ICP in thisgroup showed only variations caused by arterialpulses.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.