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An extensive metastasis to the extranervoussystem from a pinealoma occurred in a 14 year-oldboy. Diplopia, anorexia and polyuria were theinitial symptoms. Parinaud's syndrome was present. A pneumoventriculogram showed an evidence of amass lesion in the regionmp of the pineal grand. An irradiation therapy temporarily improved hissymptoms.
Paraplegia and urinary disturbance were soonfollowed. The patient died 3 years after the onset. At autopsy, a pineal gland tumor and the widespreadmetastasis to the leptomeningeal surface, spinalcord, pelvic cavity, sacrum and both lungs werefound. Microscopically they were verified as twocell pattern pinealoma. Pineal tumor with themetastasis to the extranervous system was veryrare and only 12 cases were reported in the literature. The discussion was also done as to the neuropathological finding.

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