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A clinical study of 40 patients with unilateral ventricular enlargements were performed. The measurements of ventricles were performed with Engeset's method. Thirty-five patients were male and 5 female. Those ages ranged from 5 to 71 years with a peak incidence in the age group 41-50. The incidences of the etiological factor were head injury, vascular disease, infection and in some cases were unknown. Chief clinical features were head-ache, motor paralysis of extremities, nausea, vomiting and mental disoder. But clinical features did not correlate with the severity of the ventri-cular enlargement. It may be taken careful that, sometimes, it showed symptomes resembling with brain tumor. In the excess cases, 29 of 40 cases, the enlargement occured on the left side ; the dom-inant hemispheres were affected. The septum pel-lucidum was more frequently displaced toward the smaller ventricle. Of the 40 patients, general uni-lateral enlargement was in 23, focal in 15 and general with additional focal enlargement in 2. The elec-troencephalogram (EEG) examined from 32 patients, and normal EEGs were obtained in only 9 patients, abnormal EEGs in 13 patients and borderline EEGs in 10 patients. The follow-up results showed that 10 of 20 patients had improved, 8 were symptoma-tically unchanged, 5 had deteriorated but no patient had died.

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