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This is a case of 46 years old female paci-ent. She visited our clinic with the chief com-plaint of spastic gait in 1956. The myelogra-phy was done and its findings are shown in Fig. 2 & 3. Due to the myelogram spinal tumor was suspected. And laminectomy was performed from C1 to C5. However there is no pathological finding except the jodized oil in the subdural space. Postoperatively her complaint curiously improved and after two months she was discharged. In 1959 the spa-stic gait gradually recurred and myelography was done again, revealing this time the definit spinal cord swelling located betweenC7 & D1, intervertebral space, which was shown in Fig.5 & 6. Postoperative diagnosis was intramedullary cyst.
As far as I know, subdurography, fi it should exist, has never appeared in the literature. But it could be possible although this is quite rare. We made a mistake at the two folio-wing points.
1) The cisternal puncture was not perfor-med in the standerized way.
2) We relied upon the myelographic findi-ngs more than the clinical data.
Therefore, having these two points in mind, myelography should be carefully done.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.