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a)電気容量脈波計 これによる頭蓋内脈波の描記は困難である。
The author, previously, reported on the applicability of impedance plethysmography to record the intra-cranial pulse wave. And now, further investigations have established a method to measure the cerebral blood flow by means of impedance plethysmography.
In this report, the method and various records of the cerebral blood flow are outlined, and has come to a conclusion that this is one of the useful methods for the study of cerebral circulation.
Impedance plethysmography is based upon the principle that changes in the blood volume in a given segment reflect as changes of impe-dance in the same portion. Thus by using two A. C. & D. C. Amplifiers, which are placed parallely, we could obtain a simultaneous recording of each pulse wave and the D. C. element (base line), change of which indicate a change of intra-cranial blood volume. And the displacement of this D. C. element can be written in quantity by Ohm's unit, using a calibration device.
(1) Occlusion of vessels
When both carotid or/and both vertebral arteries were occluded, marked down-ward shift of the base line and the decrease in the amplitude of pulse waves were recorded.

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