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We examined the various reflexes of the aged, 248 cases.
The tendon reflexes were generally hypo-active or negative, but some of them were hyperactive. Especially radial reflex and ulnar reflex were completely negative in 37.7 per-cent of all and in 59.1 percent respectively. 47.3 percent of achilles tendon reflex examined was hypoactive or negative, compared with 30.6 percent of hypoactive or negative patel-lar tendon reflex. Hyperactive patellar tendon reflex was shown in 28.1 percent. Cases with dissociated reflex pattrn which showed hypo-active or negative achilles tendon reflex and hyperactive patellar tendon reflex, were 6.3 percent.
Abdominal reflexes showed negative in al-most cases, but planter reflex was positive in nearly 100 percent. Positive cremasteric ref-lex was obtained in 30.0 percent.
Hoffmann reflex was positive in 45.6 per-cent.
Concerning the pathological reflexes, resu-lted in 36.3 percent the positive cases among examined cases in all. Babinski reflex, Ros-solimo reflex and Puusepp reflex were shown in 12.5 percent, 22.2 percent and 12. 9 percent respectively.

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