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I have examined the effect of"Chlorproma-zine"in those seven cases of chronic schizoph-renia which showed especially noticable defects of personal character in regard to spontaneity and relationship.
After the treatment chiefly by oral administ-ration, extending over a period of thirty eight to forty three days, the result is that in all ca-ses relationship recovered first at once, and besides in five of them spontaneity also regai-ned. But to my regret, nearly most of those cases showed sign of falling back again into a former state either during the treatment or imm-ediately after the completion of it.
Therfore, I can say that this medicine has no effect worth mentioning on chronic schizo-phrenia, but of course it must be admitted that even after their relapse, various training be-came somewhat easier than before the treat-ment, and so far as this fact is concerned, I cannot help admitting the continous effect of this medieine, though it is slight.

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