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要旨 症例はてんかん治療のため24年間にわたりカルバマゼピン(CBZ)を服用している70歳女性。両肩・体幹の痛みとCRP高値があり,リウマチ性多発筋痛症の診断でプレドニゾロン(PSL)治療を開始した。当初は治療抵抗性でありPSL60mg/日まで増量,メトトレキサート併用を要した。CBZ中止後PSL反応性が改善し,漸減中も経過は良好である。CBZは肝酵素CYP3A4を誘導し種々の薬剤の感受性を変化させることが知られているが,CYP3A4により代謝されるPSLの感受性を減弱させる可能性があり,併用には配慮すべきと考えられた。
A 70-year-old woman under anticonvulsive therapy with carbamazepine and valproate was diagnosed as polymyalgia rheumatica. She responded to the prednisolone therapy so poorly that she required high dose prednisolone and methotrexate, and it was difficult to reduce prednisolone. After discontinuing of carbamazepine, her steroid response improved immediately. Carbamazepine is known to induce hepatic enzyme CYP3A4 and alter metabolism of other drugs. In our case, the effect of prednisolone might have been reduced by carbamazepine. This case suggests more attention should be paid to the interaction between carbamazepine and prednisolone.
(Received : September 26, 2003)
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