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【抄録】 うつ病の既往のない正常人628名(18〜72歳:男性456名,女性172名)を対象にメランコリー型性格傾向の測定を行った。メランコリー型性格傾向の測定には,ZerssenによるF-listの日本語版と笠原の質問票を用いた。628名を男女別に5つの年齢層に区分し,それぞれの間で比較を行い,以下の結果を得た。①中高年層は,男女ともに高いメランコリー型性格傾向を示した。②女性の場合,25歳以下の若年層も高いメランコリー型性格傾向を示した。③男女間では,25歳以下の年齢層を除き,メランコリー型性格傾向に差はみられなかった。以上から,中高年でメランコリー型性格傾向が高いことは,正常人に普遍的にみられること,近年の若い女性でメランコリー型性格傾向が強まっていること,メランコリー型性格傾向の高い年齢層では,うつ病発病の危険が高い可能性を指摘した。
We investigated the age- and sex-distribution of Typus melancholicus (TM) measured by self-rating questionnaires in 628 workers without a history of depression. Of the subjects who were 18 to 72 years old, 456 were male and 172 were female. For the assessment of TM, 2 self-rating questionnaires, Zerssen's F-list and Kasahara's scale, were used. Data for these questionnaires was gathered by each sex, and then divided into 5 age groups, 18~25, 26~35, 36~45, 46~55, and more than 56 years. A comparison of scores for the questionnaires was made between the 5 age groups, and then between sexes within each age group. At that time, the t-test was used. The following results were obtained.
(1) The middle and the old age groups showed higher scores for the questionnaires, compared with younger age groups. This was found in both sexes.

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