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Reconsidering the Significance of Typus Melancholicus: A case study Toru SUGIYAMA 1 , Hitoshi TSUDA 2,3 1Matsukage Hospital, Nagoya, Japan 2Center for Student Counseling, Nagoya University 3Department of Psychopathology and Psychotherapy, Graduate School, Faculty of Medicine, Nagoya University Keyword: Depression , Typus melancholicus , Premorbid personality , Vulnerability pp.757-763
Published Date 2010/8/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405101677
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 In Japan, Typus melancholicus (Tellenbach H) is regarded as a typical premorbid personality trait of depression. Recently, its significance appears to be decreasing with an increase in other types of depression with characteristics such as avoidance, narcissism, and occasional hypomania-like episodes;however, these non-melancholic types of depression have some features in common with Typus melancholicus. This may help in understanding various types of depression in a comprehensive manner.

 In this case study, we reexamined the fundamental features of Typus melancholicus in order to identify the features that might occur to a greater or lesser extent in the non-melancholic types of depression. We found that vulnerability to changes in circumstances and imaginary unification with objects, (e.g. intimate persons, jobs, and one's own bodies as the basis of activities) as well as the orderliness, which is one of the main characteristics of Typus melancholicus, were also observed in the non-melancholic types of depression;the first 2 factors may be involved in cyclothymia (Kretschmer E).

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電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


