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【抄録】脳代謝賦活薬の効果をERPを用いて検討するため,8例の痴呆症状を有する患者に脳代謝賦活薬(idebenoneまたはcalcium hopantenate)を8週投与し,その前後のP300を比較した。同時にMMS(mini mental state)の評価も行った。検査課題にはoddball課題と三音弁別課題を用いた。脳代謝賦活薬投与によりP300振幅は両課題で同程度に増大したが,潜時は三音弁別課題でのみ短縮した。反応時間はoddball課題でのみ短縮した。課題遂行成績とMMS得点は脳代謝賦活薬投与による有意な変化を示さなかった。三音弁別課題ではidebenoneとcalcium hopantenateのいずれもP300の潜時を短縮し振幅を増大させたが,idebenoneではよりP300潜時短縮の効果が,calcium hopantenateではよりP300振幅増大の効果が大きい傾向が認められた。P300は脳代謝賦活薬の効果指標として鋭敏かつ有用なこと,複数の心理的課題を組合せることで脳代謝賦活薬の脳内情報処理機構への影響の詳細な検討が可能となることが示された。
To evaluate the effects of cerebral-metabolic enhancers we recorded auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) during oddball and 3-tone paradigms along with MMS (Mini Mental State) in 8 demented patients before and 8 weeks after administration of idebenone (90mg/day) or calcium hopantenate (1.5g/day). After administration of the drugs, P300 amplitudes were increased in both paradigms. However P300 latencies were shortened only in the 3-tone paradigm with reaction times being shortened only in the oddball paradigm. MMS scores showed no significant change after the administration. The increase in P300 amplitudes was more marked after administration of calcium hopantenate as compared to idebenone. The decrease in P300 latencies was more remarkable after administration of idebenone than after the use of calcium hopantenate. These findings suggest that measurements of ERPs provide sensitive indices for the effects of cerebral-metabolic enhancers and that employment of fairly sophisticated tasks rather than simpler tasks yield deeper insights into the effects of cerebral-metabolic enhancers on the improvement of cognitive functioning.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.