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It is well known that various psychiatric manifestations are frequently associated with Interferon (IFN) therapy in patients with chronic type-C hepatitis. Although depression has been reported to occur without obvious disturbance of consciousness, mild clouding of consciousness in the strict sence of the term was not excluded in these cases. In this paper we examined five cases with various psychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety, agitation, manic state, amnestic state, and lethargy) using repeated observations of electroencephalography (EEG) and neuropsychological tests, and discussed whether or not there was clouding of consciousness in IFN-induced psychotic states.
All EEGs observed when above symptoms were present showed abnormal findings. There was slowing of background activity in three patients and low voltage activities and poor appearance of alpha rhythm in three patients. Neuropsychological tests were performed in all patients.Four patients had visuoconstructional dysfunction. Four patients showed low scores of performance IQ. Slowness of thinking and carelessness corrected by the patient himself, and which was reversible in nature, were observed as characteristic signs. All these EEGs, neuropsychological tests and clinical symptoms offer evidence suggesting that there existed clouding of consciousness in varying degree in all patients.
Depression, affective disorder, amnestic state and clouding of consciousness in our cases fit Durchgangs-Syndrome (Transient syndrome) and clouding of consciousness in Funktionspsychosen proposed by Wieck H. Psychiatric symptoms induced by IFN share Transient syndrome in many respects. The concept of Functionspsychosen including Transient syndrome is thought to be very useful for understanding psychiatric symptoms induced by IFN.

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