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【抄録】 躁うつ病患者のrapid cycling現象(年に少なくとも4回かそれ以上の抑うつおよび躁または軽躁のエピソードを有する)の関連因子とその治療について主に精神薬理学的観点から検討した。双極型感情障害患者46名(男15名,女31名)を対象とし,それぞれの臨床経過をretrospectiveに調査したところ,rapidcycler(RCと略す)は12名(男4名,女8名),non-rapid cycler(non-RCと略す)は34名(男11名,女23名)であった。RC 12名の感情障害発病からrapid cyclingまでの期間は約7年であり,rapid cycling時には,すべての症例で躁または軽躁状態が認められた。RC発症に関与する因子として,遺伝負因を有することと自殺企図が比較的高頻度にみられることに加え,躁病相直前の抗うつ薬治療が重要な因子と考えられた。治療としては,大量の抗うつ薬投与を避けること,さらに,躁病相時には一時的にneurolepticsを用いることはあっても最終的には炭酸リチウム,カルバマゼピン,バルプロ酸ナトリウムの単独または併用が有効であった。
We studied retrospectively the clinical courses of 46 patients with bipolar affective disorder. Twelve (4 males, 8 females) of the 46 subjects were rapid cyclers [RC] who experienced four or more affective episodes per year. The mean age at the first affective episode in RC was 29.8±8.2, and the mean age at the beginning of RC was 36.9±10.5, and rapid mood swings were observed just after manic or hypomanic episodes. In 34 non-rapid cyclers [non-RC] (11 males, 23 females) the mean age at the onset of affective disorder was 35.0±15.0, and then no significant difference was found in the mean age at the onset between RC and non-RC. Higher incidences of suicidal attempts and family histories of affective disorders were found in RC's than in non-RC's. The daily doses of antidepressants in the depressive phase, before the first manic episode became RC, were significantly higher than those before the manic phase in the non-RC's. These results suggest that rapid cyclings appeared to depend on both hereditary factors and high daily doses of antidepressants in the depressive phase. RC is often resistant to treatment, but it is better that the patients in the depressive phase should be given antidepressants as little as possible. The single administration or the combination of mood stabilizers such as lithium carbonate, carbamazepine and valproate is effective to prevent rapid cycling and to maintain a euthymic state in some affective disorders.

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