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抄録 ICD-10,第Ⅴ章の実地試行に関するWHO研究計画の一環として,ICD-10,第Ⅴ章,“臨床記述と診断ガイドライン”1986年草案を用いて,わが国において多施設共同実地試行を実施した。参加評価者は5施設,計61名であり,対象患者は計129例であった。全体として,診断の適合度,信頼度,難易度,記述の適切度において,いずれも良好な結果を示した。さらに,評価者間の診断一致率については,3桁までの主要診断における一致率は74.6%で,4桁までの下位診断を含めると63.8%であった。全体として,ICD-10は,国際的な疾病分類としてわが国の精神障害にも適用可能と思われた。しかし,個々をみると,適用に問題があり検討の余地が残されているカテゴリーも認められた。それらは,F 23.8:その他の急性精神病性障害,F 34.1:気分変調症,F 36.1:分裂うつ病性障害,F 41:その他の不安障害,F 45.2:心気症候群,F 60:人格障害などであった。
A collaborative multi-centre field trial of “ICD-10, Chapter Ⅴ (1986 draft), CLINICAL DESCRIPTIONS and DIAGNOSTIC GUIDELI-NES”, supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), was carried out in Japan. Sixty-one clinicians from 5 centres diagnosed a total of 129 patients using the 1986 Draft of ICD-10 to assess the ease of use and the adequacy of the descriptions of the new classification, and to provide information on the inter-rater agreement concerning diagnosis.
The majority of the participating clinicians assessed the 1986 Draft of ICD-10 as satisfactory from the point of view of the diagnostic categories for the patients, and for its making possible confident and easilymade diagnosis, and for the adeguacy of the descriptions. The average interrater agreement was 74.6% in the three-character categories which show the major categories. In the four-character categories showing subcategories, the inter-rater agreement was 63.8%.
On the whole, the 1986 Draft of ICD-10 appeared to be applicable to psychiatric disorders in Japan as an international classification system. However, there were some categories where problems may arise. They were F 23. 8: Other acute psychotic disorders, F 34.1: Dysthymia, F 41: Other anxiety disorders, F 45.2: Hypochondrical syndrome and F 60:Personality disorder.

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