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【抄録】 佐賀県内全警察署において2か月間に,精神障害,アルコール依存,痴呆およびその疑いなど精神科関連の問題で警察官が相談を受け,本人と直接対応した事例について調査した。2か月間に53例(男性37例,女性16例,51.3±17.9歳)であり,問題行動は奇妙な言動33例,酩酊20例,俳徊18例,反応の鈍さ15例,家族以外への暴力14例,器物破損12例,自傷10例などであった。対応は保護37例,警らなど12例,相談4例,その他2例であった。警察官の対応人数は3.1±1.2名であり,対応時間は5時間37分±6時間20分であった。警察官は対応に多くの労力を費やしており,精神科事例かどうかの判断,警察と医療保健福祉機関との連携,個別事例の問題行動や患者関係者の協力の有無などにより困難性は左右されていた。
We conducted a two-month investigation at all police stations in Saga Prefecture, in a rural part of Japan, with a population of 885,000. We defined persons suspected of suffering from mental disorders as people with mental disorders, alcoholic dependence, or dementia. All police officers made judgments about the victims of these disorders based on their own individual perceptions. In addition, all individuals were dealt with by the police officers directly.
As a result of our investigation, it was found that a total of 53 suspected cases of mental disorder (37 males, 16 females, 51.3 ±17.9 years old) had been contacted by police officers during the two-month period in Saga Prefecture. The types of abnormal behavior included strange behavior in 33 cases, drunkness in 20 cases, aimless wandering 18 cases, a dull response in 15 cases, violent behavior in 14 cases, causing property damage in 12 cases, self-inflicted injury in 10 cases, and so on. The police officers dealt with these cases as follows : 37 cases were placed in custody, 12 cases were incidentally encountered while police officers were on patrol, 4 cases were presented for medical consultation and 2 cases were related to other situation.
An average of 3.1±1.2 police officers dealt with each case, for an average time of 5 hours 37 minute±6 hours 20 minutes during the two-month period.
The police officers had thus expended a great deal of time and energy on determining whether these cases were psychiatric cases or not. Difficulty on facility in dealing with these cases was influenced greatly by the nature of the individual examples and problems encountered, and by whether or not the police officers received cooperation from the various members of the medical health welfare system or from people connected with the suspected cases.
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