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精神疾患をもつ人を対象とした自己開示尺度(Self-Disclosure scale for people with Mental Illness;SDMI)を開発し,その信頼性と妥当性を検証した。SDMIは当事者の主観的体験に基づく自己開示内容を項目として採用し,自己開示の量・深さの双方を測定可能とした自記式尺度である。精神疾患をもつ人155名を対象に質問紙調査を実施し,探索的因子分析を行ったところ,SDMIは『精神疾患と障害』,『生活状況』,『自分の強み』,『苦悩の経験』の4因子23項目に整理された。続いて,SDMIの自己開示の量・深さの双方における内的整合性,再テスト信頼性および基準関連妥当性を検討したところ,SDMIは十分な信頼性と妥当性を有する尺度であることが確認された。
The purpose of the present study was to develop a Self-Disclosure scale for people with Mental Illness (SDMI) and examine its reliability and validity. SDMI is a self-completed questionnaire to measure the amount and depth of self-disclosure and consist of items constructed with reference to contents of self-disclosure from qualitative analyses of interview data. We conducted questionnaire study among 155 people with mental illness. Exploratory factor analysis revealed SDMI had four-factor structure with 23 items:“mental illness and psychiatric disability”, “living condition”, “strength of oneself”, and “experience of distress”. The result of internal consistency, test-retest reliability and criterion validity of the amount and depth of self-disclosure indicated that SDMI has sufficient reliability and validity.

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