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抄録 中年期および退行期の女性にみられる単一妄想性精神病は,多くの点で分裂病と異なっている。この差異は,臨床症状だけではなく病者の人格の基礎構造に着目すると,より明確になる。ここでは共同体から排除されるという被害妄想を呈した7症例について,病前の特有の対人関係のあり方から基礎構造への接近を試み,役割理論的見地から考察をおこなった,彼らはもっぱら役割の相でのみ他者と関わり,他者は自己に役割を与えてくれる役割補完者にすぎない。また,自己はそのつどの役割に過度に同一化する結果,役割との間に本来あるべき距離がほとんど失われてしまう。そして,そこから展開されてくる病前状況は役割同一性の危機としてまとめることができる。このようなあり方は,A. Krausが躁うつ病者について見出した構造ときわめて類似している。
Psychoses of middle-aged women with delusion of persecution must be phenomenologically differenciated from schizophrenic psychoses. If we keep in view the basic personal structure of the patients rather than their clinical symptoms, this difference can be brought to light.
We have studied on the basic structure of middle-aged women who believed delusionally that they might be driven out of their neighborhood community. As theoretical framework, we have adopted that of the role theory. The self-identity of our patients consists exclusively in the identification with social roles they have to take in relation to the others who send them such roles. They cannot realize any distance between their personal being and their role.
In their prepsychotic situations, we can always find out explicit or implicit crises of such roleidentities. These features of the basic personal structure are very similar to those of the manic-depressives recently studied by A. Kraus.

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